Other Meditations

Other Meditations

Spark to Roots 1

Spark to Roots 2

Spark to Roots 3

August 2, 2020 Freeing the Dance meditation

March 1, 2020 meditation from Session 1

March 8, 2020 meditation from Session 2

Crisis Response Meditation I

For the third session of six week Spark series  held in Montpelier,. Vermont, during the winter of 2020, it seemed appropriate to expand the scope of the meditation to address the COVID19 pandemic.  We suspect that the power of this meditation will be greater for those who are familiar with  the dynamics of the three original meditations  (Spark, Roots, and Willingness).  So, if you start with this one, and find it unsatisfying or want to deepen it, you might consider going back to the original three.

These meditations have two parts, A and B. The “A” part is a warming up, stretching, and getting collected for for the focused engagement of the “B” part. The “A” parts are interchangeable. For the most satisfying results, we recommend familiarizing yourself with the simpler meditations first (above).

Crisis Response Meditation  II  A

Crisis Response Meditation  II B

Crisis Response Meditation III A

Crisis Response Meditation III B

Crisis Response Meditation IV A

Crisis Response Meditation IV B

Crisis Response Meditation V A

Crisis Response Meditation V B

Crisis Response Meditation VI A

Crisis Response Meditation VI B

Crisis Response Meditation VII A

Crisis Response Meditation VII B

Crisis Response Meditation VIII A

Crisis Response Meditation VIII B

Crisis Response Meditation IIX A

Crisis Response Meditation IIX B