
Spark of Humanity: Practise and Application

Sunday, December 15 at noon.

You are invited to join us at noon on Sunday, December 15 as, through gently guided meditation, we explore ways of connecting with our fellow creatures. We will be open to the capacity of this communion to transform lives and habits. expanding our potential as agents of transformation. This is in partial preparation for our changes during the coming calendar year.

During 2025 the Sunday meditations will be offered “tech-free.” Participants will be invited to join the meditating community on Sunday noons either “freeform” or using one of three pre-recorded meditations. The meditations will be available through this page or the emails we send out to those on our mailing list. The three are the traditional Spark of Humanity, Tone of True, and Xtstream. Which of these three we will be offering this Sunday, the 15th, will be determined by those who are present.

There will be time and space for conversation, questions, stretch breaks, and discussion, as we are inclined.

Join us by teleconference: call 712 432 3900. You will be asked for an ID. It is 583 323, followed by #.

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