Hope and Other Conversations

There is something comforting about hanging out with friends and discussing what interests us these days. Since the Spark work is what is most intensely interesting for some of us, we are recording a few of our conversations about various aspects of the work and its context. If there are subjects about which you’d like to hear us converse, feel free to contact us at sparkofhumanitydotnet@gmail.com.

On the Sundays nearest to the new moon, we meet by teleconference and converse about various aspects of the work and the context that is developing around it. We have recorded some of these conversations, and here they are below. 

You are always welcome to join us. The topics are generally posted on the events page a few days beforehand. 

If there are subjects around which you’d like to focus some conversation, please let us know in advance. 

Since hope is currently defining our sense of direction, we begin with our conversations, audio, and video, on the subject of HOPE.

By “hope,” we mean the down-in-the-grit on-the-field hope, not the sitting-in-the-bleachers-crossing-our-fingers sort of hope.  Hope that is a choice, rather than only an emotion. 

Through the Spark “work,” we have found a path that allows hope in these challenging times. To see through the inevitable clumsiness of prose toward what we are suggesting, it may be helpful to familiarize yourself with the original spark ‘storyboard’ and the reassurances.

It is our experience that we find hope when we are engaged in our “place” in the ever-evolving, multi-dimensional dance of which we are all (ever-evolving, multi-dimensional) creatures.  A video on our welcome page explains that as we claim our personal spark, connect with the resources available, and are willing to be transformed (through the erosion of our defenses, release of our distortions, and clarification of our bafflement), we are naturally drawn toward our “place” in the dance. In that place, we touch on the living tissue from which life and creativity emerge. This may at first feel terrifying in its intensity and truth. But through allowing the intensity and the truth, we come to hope for ourselves as trudgers on the path and also for the bigger picture. We gain a sense of how much bigger the “dance” is than the picture we see and how creative, incorruptible, and benign. As members of the dance, we experience a hope that sustains us as we continue in our efforts as instruments of transformation.

It’s an answer to the frustrating question: “But what can I do?”

We have found that doing the Spark ‘work’ erodes the frustration as we are drawn into the freedom of our “right” engagement as members of the dance.
Below are a podcast and a video conversation about our experience