This page contains suggestions for those who wish to start their own Spark group. You are welcome to contact us at to speak with a member of the network who has some experience in this area. We welcome feedback and suggestions as this process is developing.
Getting Started
Invite friends for a Spark supper. Provide copies of the booklet. Watch the video and discuss.
Create a Spark community. Set a regular time to get together, to connect and support each other in the practice; listen to one of the guided meditations, and discuss.
Decide which version of the booklet text you’ll be using and have a copy for each participant. OR Have both texts available and begin with a spark-based exercise to come to consensus by following these steps: Invite some silence at the beginning, then go around for introductions. We generally invite names, and what drew them here.
- Read the booklet, going around the group with each person reading a page.
- Ask for comments, then go to a longer period of silence.
- Begin the Tree Meditation. You may want to repeat the meditation two or even three times.
- When the group feels ready, follow a second meditation. Choose between the Spark meditation, the Roots meditation, and a Willingness meditation. If you do use all three in one meeting, we suggest using the shorter versions. This is strenuous work.
- For subsequent meetings, we suggest a time of checking in after reading the booklet. From the checking in, a consensus will be developed as to which guided meditation will be used.
- End with a group OM or appropriate prayer.
If no consensus is reached, you may wish to try the following steps:
- Start with some silence and breathing. Listening to one of the Spark meditations may be helpful. Ask folks to locate their personal spark and become acquainted with it. When the time feels right, suggest that they, from their spark, reach out and connect with and affirm the spark in another person in the group. Have them gradually expand the circle of spark connection until it includes everyone in the group. Let it sit for a while. We have found it to be most effective if the leader is faithfully reaching out with their spark to the sparks of all those present, creating a unified circle, in the assurance that this is what can work. Consensus will develop (which may require the departure of some who are unwilling. Let not your hearts be troubled.)
- Check in, after some silence, before starting the meditations, to see whether everyone can find their spark, and feels comfortable enough to continue. Be gentle and faithful. Allow time. It may be helpful to have others in the group focus on connecting with and affirming the spark in the one having difficulty; and/or ask them where it might be if they had one; see if they are willing to pretend, for now, to have one.
- Eventually, someone may feel ready to lead the guided meditation themselves, rather than using one from the website. It’s okay to explore whether this works for your group.